Meteobridge NBIOT Data Hub

This service reports data uploaded by a Meteobridge PRO2 via NBIOT. You can reach the data hub at or

URL parameters


  1. URL parameters 'first' and 'next' do not specify number of lines to be returned, but number of per-minute time buckets to be reported. Each time bucket can have a varying number of sensors to be reported.
  2. Maximum number of time buckets to be retrieved by a 'first' or 'next' request is 2000.
  3. To avoid server overload a pause of 5 seconds between requests on a certain MAC must by applied.
  4. Reported data covers the sensors selected for NBIOT upload on 'Station - Mapping' tab. When having selected 'mode 0' each line of data consist of 3 elements. First is the epoch timestamp, next the sensor name, last the value as integer multiplied by 1000. When having selected 'mode 1' merged sensor data is reported. Each line starts with the epoch timestamp followed by the merged sensor name and a list of parameters, depending on the sensor type. Format of sensor data in 'mode 1' is as follows:
    1. thb# <temperature x10> <humidity> <seapressure x10>
      with temperature in degrees Celsius, relative humidity in percent and station pressure in hPa
    2. th# <temperature x10> <humidity>
      with temperature in degrees Celsius and relative humidity in percent
    3. t# <temperature x10>
      with temperature in degrees Celsius
    4. wind# <direction> <gust speed x10> <average speed x10> <wind chill x10>
      with direction in degrees North, speeds in m/s and chill in degrees Celsius
    5. rain# <rate x10> <total x10>
      with rain rate and total rainfall (during the time bucket) in mm
    6. uv# <index x10>
      with index in UVI
    7. sol# <radiation>
      with solar radiation in watts per square meter
    8. data# <numerical value>
      where value has a user-defined meaning
    9. air# <pollution x10>
      with pollution in parts per million particles
    10. lgt# <total count x10> <distance x10> <energy x10>
      with distance in miles and energy without a defined unit
  5. If the request is not valid an error message is returned instead of data. Error messages always start with 'ERROR'


  1. ""
    returns the oldest 500 per-minute time buckets of sensor data for the specified MAC
  2. ""
    returns the next 100 per-minute time buckets of sensor data. reporting starts with data past the previous request
  3. ""
    sets epoch timestamp to 1677429000 and returns the next 50 per-minute time buckets of data starting at the given time stamp.
  4. ""
    returns the data between epoch timestamps 1677429000 and 1677429060 (not including 1677429060). Resulting data might look like this:
    1677429000 th0temp 3200
    1677429000 th0hum 73000
    1677429000 th0dew -1200
    1677429000 th0heatindex 3200
    1677429000 wind0dir 41000
    1677429000 wind0wind 900
    1677429000 wind0avgwind 491
    1677429000 wind0chill 2900
    1677429000 rain0rate 0
    1677429000 rain0total 0
    1677429000 thb0temp 39000
    1677429000 thb0hum 16000
    1677429000 thb0dew 8600
    1677429000 thb0press 1023100
    1677429000 thb0seapress 1023100
  5. ""
    returns next two per-minute time buckets as merged sensor data. Resulting data might look line this:
    1677631380 th0 -18 92
    1677631380 wind0 145 0 0 -18
    1677631380 thb0 400 13 10288
    1677631380 rain0 0 0
    1677631440 th0 -18 92
    1677631440 wind0 145 0 0 -18
    1677631440 thb0 399 13 10288
    1677631440 rain0 0 0